Founded in 1989 by entrepreneurs with a passion for metallurgic industry, COMPO-TEC year after year has added more value in the sector of metal surfaces pre-treatment.
The using of increasingly high-performance sandblasting machines and shot blasting machines, has given a new direction to the company towards the continuous search for anti-wear alloys for consumable components and more appropriate grits to achieve the necessary quality for customers processing.
About us

COMPO-TEC provides all the spare parts for the main groups forming the shot blasting plant with specific attention to those that suffer wear due to the abrasive impact.
Made in Italy
100% compatible spare parts
In order to provide a complete service to the metal mechanic sector, COMPO-TEC has organised and spread a competent commercial network for the supply of sandblasting/shot blasting plants and, in particular, suitable spare parts and specific abrasive grits.
Compo-tec srl supports the surface preparation market, giving users everything that is needed to optimise their competitiveness, either in terms of economy and quality of execution, respecting the environment and people’s health.
The sector to which Compo-tec is dedicated is wide; it includes those who treat metals and other materials, from foundries to heat treatments, from carpentry to printing works, from glassworks to joineries, from plasticisers to painters/ enamelers etc
Compotec srl has focused its expertise on the sand blasting and shot blasting field.
A short explanation about actions and words used in the preparation of metallic and non-metallic surfaces:
- SABBIATURA (sand blasting)
- GRANIGLIATURA (shot blasting, shot peening).
Sand Blasting and Shot Blasting
The term SANDBLASTING, still in use, is a previous legacy of the time when the surfaces used to be prepared by launching the siliceous sand, which was conveyed by compressed air through pipes and nozzles, causing with the impact the removal (CLEANING, PAINT REMOVAL etc.) of foreign matter from the piece to prepare it for the subsequent finishing processing.
The use of siliceous sand was put aside due to strict work laws aimed at improving employees’ health and the environment conditions. The term “free jet” sandblasting (in sandblasting chambers is often manual) is still in use although grits of synthetic or mineral material free of free silica are currently in use. For a more efficient action, metal grits mainly made of high carbon steel are in use, melted and heat treated and usually of angular shape.
The term SHOT BLASTING means the action of launching and impacting exclusively ferrous metal grit without any chemical additives. It is performed by shot blasting machines, internally equipped with rotating turbines that propel the grains against the surfaces to CLEAN, SCRUB, DE-SCALE, ROUGHEN, HARDEN SUPERFICIALLY (SHOT PEENING) etc.
Cast and heat-treated metal grits have either a spherical or angular shape while the metallic grits produced by chopping a steel wire have just a cylindrical shape.